
From Discord Mock Elections
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Start 2018-04-03
Political party LTE Democratic Party
Other political affiliation None
Political position
Ideology Centrist
State/Country Northeast/Maryland
Framer of the LTE Constitution
1st Vice President of LTE

(April 24, 2018 - June 24, 2018)
Representative from the Northeast
(June 24, 2018 - July 18, 2018)
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court
(July 18, 2018 - Present)

Qwerty is a politician member of the LTE Democratic Party. He not only wrote almost all of the LTE Constitution, but created the idea for a mock government. He was a candidate for senate in Northeast district, but was chosen as vice-presidential nominee on the Amp and Qwerty presidential ticket. After winning in April 2018, Qwerty became Vice-President and Amp became Ppresident. Qwerty is well known for the eponymous Qwerty Polls, occasional polls around election time that poll the voterbase on who they would vote for in every election and their opinions on recent LTE issues. He has served as moderator along with Vui while waiting for the elections of government officials. Qwerty has been one of the popular and influential Democrats in the server along with Amp, Vui, and SamuelM1.

Accomplishments and Acts of Vice President[edit | edit source]

As the Vice President and therefore the president of the Senate, Qwerty has proposed and got passed the most legislation out of anybody in Congress. Not only that, but he has gotten the most major legislation passed, as of the 1st congress. The following are an excerpt of the many laws he has written and gotten passed.

The Universal Medicare for All Act[edit | edit source]

As a democrat, Qwerty has passed many liberal pieces of legislation, including a bill to give all Americans the best health-care in the world, with only a small expense to the top 5% of income earners. Not only that, but this bill guarantees citizens the right to have 100% choice over their doctor, clinic, hospital, etc. This bill was met with near consensus, from Democrats and Republicans alike, as it received 69.8% approval in a Qwerty Polls poll. Studies on the real-life bill that correlates with this bill show that 95% of Americans would save money and a vast majority of businesses would also save money. Link to bill: [1]

The Reentering of the Paris Climate Treaty[edit | edit source]

After President Drumpf affirmed that he wants the United States to leave the Paris Climate Treaty, Vice President Qwerty drafted a treaty to official reenter and reaffirm the United States' place as an environmentally-forward nation. Link to bill: [2]

Net Neutrality Protection Act[edit | edit source]

Vice President Qwerty drafted this bill to fully protect net neutrality and ensure a free and open internet. This bill received near concensus, and was very popular. Link to bill: [3]

Renewable Energy and Protection Act[edit | edit source]

The REEPA was made to prepare the United States for renewable energy mainstream utilization. It provides incentives for states, businesses, and utilities to use/produce more renewable energy and it prepares Americans for high-paying jobs in renewable energy, among other things. A quick summary of what the bill does: - Creates an interagency council, the Renewable Energy Promotion Interagency Council (REPIC) to create jobs in energy-efficient building, construction, retrofitting industry, renewable electric power industry, including the wind, solar, and geothermal energy industries and energy efficiency assessment industry that serves the residential, commercial, or industrial sectors. - Creates an categorical grants program to award the states with the top 5 alternative energy capacity every year, these categorical grants will lead to investment into renewable energy jobs and investing in renewable energy infrastructure (leads to even more jobs). - Creates a slow incline of the amount of renewable energy electricity utility service must provide. - Creates a renewable energy credit system to incentivize utilizing renewable energy. - Increases efficiency standards to ensure zero loopholes, disastrous accidents (such as oil spills or dangerous natural gas leaks) Link to bill: [4]

The "People's Agenda" Project[edit | edit source]

Vice President Qwerty places heavy importance on his "People's Agenda" initiative. It states that a democratic government must do everything in the interest of the people and do what the people wants. It also proposes many ideas for a stronger and more efficient economy, while at the same time increasing standards of living for all Americans. A subject to change summary of the People's Agenda:
- CLOSE THE TAX LOOPHOLES! The wealthiest of the wealthy corporations should not benefit from sloppy legislation!
- Finally make voter fraud illegal and specifically outline the punishments for violators, we must protect our democracy!
- Declassify marijuana as a Schedule I drug; it is not on the same page as heroin and cocaine!
- FULLY restore net neutrality! The citizen's fundamental rights supersede the corporation's will to disadvantage the public.
- Use some funds from closing the tax loopholes to expand high-speed broadband internet to ALL Americans! The Internet is a vital part of our lives, yet millions of Americans live without it (will create COUNTLESS JOBS!).
- Revamp our aging and failing 9-1-1 system; we must ENSURE that when there is an emergency, the police will be there efficiently! I plan to create a 9-1-1 system that can incorporate text, video calls, and other digital means to SAVE MORE LIVES!
- Increase infrastructure projects to SAVE OUR CRUMBLING INFRASTRUCTURE which will simultaneously create over 15 million HIGH PAYING JOBS!