
From Discord Mock Elections
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Start 2018-08-04
Political party LTE Democratic Party
Other political affiliation None
Political position Progressive
Ideology Center-left
State/Country New York, USA
1st President of LTE
(April 24, 2018 - June 24, 2018)
Representative from the Northeast
(June 24, 2018 - July 1, 2018)
Senator from the Northeast
(July 1, 2018 - Present)

Amp is an LTE politician, a Framer of the LTE Constitution, and member of the LTE Democratic Party. After leading in all primary polling, he was chosen as the first Democratic nominee for President. He was elected as President on 4/21/18, facing opposition from only Independent Democrat The Gay Correspondant, after the Republican nominee, sieckmannsam, withdrew from the race after a poor performance in the Presidential Debate.

Elections campaigns and results[edit | edit source]

Amp was elected the first President of LTE on April 21st, 2018. He has since announced he is running for the House of Representatives in June.

April 2018 Presidential Campaign[edit | edit source]

Amp presented himself as a candidate for President early in the registration season, with his running mate as Crab. After the Crabgate controversy on 4/9/18, Crab dropped out and was replaced by Qwerty, who had previously been running for the Northeastern Senate seat. Amp was endorsed by Ricky, Kiwi Liberal, SamuelM1, Julio974, Quentin and Santander, among others.

As of May 26th 2018, Amp's approval rating stands at 70.8% (with an additional 16.7% Unsure), the most popular politician in the LTE Discord.

US Democratic Party Logo.svg

Democratic candidates, April 2018
Amp Qwerty
for President for Vice-President
Democratic Party Member
(since 2018-04-08)
LTE Discord Moderetor
(since 2018-04-08)
Progress you can trust

April 2018 - Campaign Announcement Speech[edit | edit source]

Thank you all for coming out today, and showing me so much support over my tenure here at LTE Discord. Thank you to my friends, namely Kiwi Liberal and Ethanjory, for always supporting me in my endeavors. 

I also want to thank my family: My boyfriend, Kiwi, my brothers, Keith and Dakota, as well as my sisters, Savanah and Cassandra for all their support. I also have to thank my parents; without them, I wouldn't be here today; and without the constant debating with my Conservative father, my views wouldn't be so clarified and strengthened.

Here in our humble LTE Discord, where we've accomplished so much already in such a short period of time, and have made this Discord into an amazing place to debate, theorize, and have fun, I am proud to announce my candidacy for President of the United States of LTE.

Today, with the support of so many of you, it is time to bring a new government to LTE; one that is on your side. 

For far too long, we've had a government on the side of those who can buy influence; those who pay-off our politicians in exchange for favors. Today, joined by the dozens of you here, we're telling the system loud and clear: ENOUGH is ENOUGH! 

For far too long, our leaders have only paid attention to those who are rich and can afford their time. For far too long, our establishment parties have ignored the needs and wants of our ordinary citizens. For far too long, our country has served the interest of big corporations. For far too long, we've been subservient to our political masters.

It's time to usher in a new era of politics: One where your politicians work for YOU, not their corporate owners. 

This is not a time for thinking small. In a world full of fearmongering, war, economic tension, and constant uncertainty, this is a time for American heroes. This is not a time to cower. This is a time for American Heroes, and we reach for the stars. (modifié)
I promise you here today, that I will never stop fighting for you. I will not stop fighting for those struggling to make ends meet. I will never stop fighting for your fundamental rights. I will never stop fighting for the least of us; our brothers and sisters. 

This is a time for American heroes. We will do what is hard. When a hero of my party, John F. Kennedy, commanded "We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard", we had no clue what we were getting ourselves in to. We didn't know what was required to go to the moon. We didn't know how long it would take to get there. We didn't know anything about the moon itself. Yet, our president called on us, so we accepted the challenged; and we prevailed. This is the true strength and resilience of the American people, and I'm glad to call those people my fellow countrymen. 

Now is the time for millions of you, ordinary LTE viewers, to come together. We must resist the fascism of the right, and the dangers of the far-left. For decades, we've been stuck with the lesser of two evils. On this day, we reject that dangerous ideology. We say: enough is enough.
My brothers and sisters; The problems that our country faces are steep. There are obstacles around every corner, and they take guts to face. This primary season, and in the ensuing general election, I hope you stand up. Stand up, and reject voting for the lesser of who cares. Reject hate, bigotry, climate deniers, and demagoguery. In your primaries, don't vote for the person whom you see as perfect. Don't vote for the person you think can win. Vote for the person who shares your dreams, your hopes, your ideas. Vote for who you represents what you believe our country needs to remain safe, strong, and free. And when you have done that, you can go back to Pheonix, to Denver, to Little Rock, to Atlanta, to Boston, and Richmond with your head held high; and say: "I am a member of the Democratic Party!"

April 2018 - Public Education[edit | edit source]

Today, in our great nation, we're heading into an educational crisis: One in every four children can not read or write at grade level. 

At the surface level, this is a local issue. When you dig in deeper, you reveal the severity of the issue. More than 60% of all inmates are functionally illiterate; Nearly 85% of Juvenile criminals hold the same status. For the first time in our nation's history, we are entering a generation prepared to be less educated than the previous one.

How can we expect our children to grow into productive members of society without learning the necessary skills? How can we expect them to reject a life of crime if it is the only life they are prepared for? The answer is simple: we can not. 

Education in our great nation has been slipping for decades, and our politicians have refused to address the problem. Instead, the blame teachers and schools for the issues, instead of address the obvious: Our schools are broke.

American Public Education, almost entirely funded by local property tax, is inherently unfair. How can we pride ourselves on equal opportunity with such a disparity between Harlem Highschools and Scarsdale Highschools? The poorest of our citizens are subject to failing schools, and institutions that do not have enough money to recruit talented teachers. The answer is a change in the way we finance our schools.

This is why, on this day, I am calling for $100 billion in new education spending.

My opponents may argue for the privatization of school institutions; offering the choice of better schools to some students. I, however, have not given up on the goal of better schools for everyone. American schools are going to be the best schools in the world within the next 10 years. They are going to be Cathedrals compared to the state they are in now. 

June 2018 Congressional Campaign[edit | edit source]

Shortly after the May Congressional elections, then-President Amp announced that he would not seek re-election in June, instead opting to run for the House, representing the Northeast. His Vice President, Qwerty, is running against Vui in the Democratic Presidential Primary. He won 32% of the vote out of seven candidates for four representatives for the Northeast District.

June 2018 Senate Election[edit | edit source]

Amp ran in a special election to take President Vui's spot in the Northeast Senate seat. He won with 54% of the vote and was inaugurated on July 1, 2018.

February 2019 Presidental Election[edit | edit source]

Amp, following a long period of remaining on the sidelines of politics, being President Pauls Secretary of Stae for both of his terms, announced following the January elections that he would be running in the February election as a Democrat. He had won 29 electors in the election against Johnny, winning Northeast, Southeast, Southwest and the West to Johnny only winning the Midwest. He had won 55.45% of total votes with his running mate and vice president, Moss.